
Imaginationary writer and reader. My specialty: learning quickly, forgetting even quicker. Excellent editor of others works; take forgranted i’ve written my own work all correct aka my mind fills in all the missing pieces. A work begun; in progress by a master artist/author.
Ever doubting my hopefulness.
Ever hoping i am smarter than i seem.
Desiring to be a bigger impact than i could ever possibly be (on my own).
I’m in love with Korea and it’s people, language, culture.
Pillows. Pillow hugs, snuggles, fights, talks.
I love faces and stories.
I’m greedy for uniqueness.
I’m hungry for every sense and gluttonous for my restless desires.

Greatest need for the mercy ahead and grace behind paths.
Daughter of the One True Life.
Desire more than the best.
Liver of the moment and treasurer of time with deep friends.
I am a server, a complainer, a white liar, a striver.
Theres lots of junk in my closet.
Gods busy digging thru the hoards.

I often feel stupid, discouraged, alone, betrayed, lonely, depressed, excited for no reason, purposeless, hopeless, faithless. But despite all that i have never given up my desire to craft words even if just to try and define how i feel.

i’m insatiable.

love the smell of wet dirt, coffee, the forest…pine.


2014-12-14 19.23.22

I want to write something great.
Actually I want my words to move you. And I want some of you to love my words the way I have loved people’s words. The way some words have carried me through bad parts of my life. Or the way some words have clarified parts of my life.

And honestly, parts of me want my words to amaze you and thrill you and I want you to want to have written some of them.

Yes. Part of me – some insecure little part wants you to want me. Wants you to read my words and fall in love with me.

But the part of me that I really want to survive and become all of me, that part knows that that’s the last thing I want.

Because if I write something so great that all you see is me, then the glory of the words will soon be forgotten. And my words will fall useless into the universe.

What I’d deeply rather have is that:

I could be another voice in the great book of voices crying out my story, sharing the ways Gods spoken to me, sharing my struggles, all in the hope that Christ may be known thru me, that you can see Him shining thru the moments of my broken life. And see how He is healing, restoring, and bringing hope to what I lack.

So, I don’t want to be “followed”.
But if you want to read along as I follow Christ, please feel free 🙂
I’ll be happy for your company

Sometimes i write from a place im vaguely ashamed of.
in kristenhowerton’s words “I hit a wall – A wall of exhaustion and frustration and lack of patience. A wall of fatigue from saying things out of my mouth that everyone ignores [or other reasons of stress and problems in life & circumstance]. And from that well of goodness….
I hit a wall and crack.

I’m sure that my fatigue and lingering cold and impending menstrual cycle may be affecting my judgement. And yes, I do realize that [my blog diarrhea] may not be a sustainable model for [dealing with my issues. But thats the way it is right now.]”


So, please read with a gracious heart as i am still learning to write in a way that reflects my true heart and beliefs! 🙂


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